Ron Paul has stated that Chuck Baldwin is very, very close to his views and that Chuck Baldwin worked very hard on Ron Paul's campaign for President. Where was Bob Barr during Ron Paul's campaign? Did Bob Barr endorse Ron Paul? Chuck Baldwin endorsed Ron Paul! Did Barr work hard for Ron Paul's Presidential Campaign? Chuck Baldwin did!
Many of us supported Ron Paul through thick and thin. We never became discouraged as we witnessed the media bias. It actually made us fight even harder to promote the message of freedom and liberty and the rule of law based on our Constitution. Of course, many of us continue to fight on to retain a Government that actually works for the people.
But every great strategy needs a backup plan.
If Ron Paul does not win the nomination in September at the RNC Convention in MN, we need to be prepared. We need to have a candidate who is well funded and who is ready for the big game. Who is that person? None other than Ron Paul's friend of many years, Chuck Baldwin, the presidential nominee for the Constitution Party.
June 23 2008 " Jesse Benton, a spokesman for Ron Paul, said that his boss does not plan to recommend supporters to champion Barr. "Bob and Ron are former colleagues and they're friends. But that's where the relationship ends."
Yes, here we go again. The main stream media seems to be pretending to acknowledge Bob Barr as the 3rd party worth noting and Chuck Baldwin is experiencing a COMPLETE MSM blackout just like Ron Paul did. Why? Probably because he isn't afraid to call them out! If the MSM likes Bob Barr, WE DON'T! His voting record is contradictory to what his so called positions are and that bothers us.
We are asking all of you to continue to help us and support the freedom message with the people that actually mean what they say and practice what the preach.
We are holding a fundraiser for Chuck Baldwin August 17th, 2008. On August 17th, 1990, George H.W. Bush claimed that Iraq was in the way of the New World Order.
We are asking all of you to please visit and pledge to donate to Chuck Baldwin's campaign so that you can help Chuck promote Ron Paul's message. Chuck Baldwin has been doing just that by working within Ron Paul's campaign, and now he will do it again on a national scale through his campaign for President as the nominee of the Constitution Party.
Ron Paul supports Chuck Baldwin as stated on CNN and other Main Stream Media outlets across the country and we support him as well. Now we need all of you to get behind him with us. No donation is too small.
Ron Paul has said that revolutions are long term projects and we will continue to honor him by spreading his message world wide until we bring America back to what is once was, A Constitutional Republic.
Please help us to continue to move forward and make the changes that need to be made in this country:
http://www.NonewWorldOrder.comBe sure to tune in for live coverage of the Money Bomb event all day long on August 17th, 2008 on and
http://www.RevolutionBroadcasting.comThank you all!