Monday, June 30, 2008

Thomas E. Woods tomorrow at 2pm eastern will interview.

Thomas E. Woods tomorrow at 2pm eastern will interview.

Joseph Salerno, Graduate Program Chair, Department of Finance and Economics, in the Lubin School of Business at Pace University in New York.

Dr. Salerno is the editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics and the author of much pathbreaking work in a variety of fields in economics.

This will be a program on the Federal Reserve System for beginners


RON PAUL INTERVIEW WEDNESDAY JULY 2nd 9PM EASTERN will Interview Ron Paul on our segment of revolution march radio Wednesday July 2nd at 9pm eastern time.

Spread the message to your meetup groups.

Dr. Steve Parent

Thursday, June 26, 2008

B.J Lawson Ron Paul republican LIVE interview Friday June 27 6:00 pm eastern will interview B.J Lawson Congressional candidate in the 4th District in North Carolina. He also took 70% in his primary.

We will have Mr. Lawson on for 3 full hours and will open up the phone lines so Mr. Lawson can take your questions LIVE.

We have also added a LIVE chat room on our website where questions can be take as well 24/7
To view his website :

When : 6-9pm eastern time

Where :

Replace with a FREE meetup site and forum that will be 100% secured by Ron Paul Revolution people.

Hello everyone.

Spread the word about this to your meetup groups.

The admins of have started a new forum that will provide private meetup group rooms FOR FREE. We decided that we should not have to pay an avg of $15 a month to for that money can be better used to support other projects that need our financial support.

This will work basiacally the same way worked and the admin of each meetup on the site will have to invite and aprove any new member to their personal meetup. This is also a fully operational forum just like ronpaulforums so now you can have both a forum and a meetup in one place FOR FREE.

The site is 99% finished but is operational and you can register your name now to secure you preferred name as well as use the forum to provide information you need to provide on the public boards in the forums.

We will be adding each district, city and county if needed to replace all the meetups that are on with a FREE service.

goto : and register today and come take a look around and see what we have been doing to help the revolution.

Keep up the great work everyone.

Sunday, June 22, 2008 Evan Cutler LIVE Monday June 23 at 8pm eastern taking your questions

We welcome Evan Cutler LIVE to answer your questions about the dvd project that is going to send dvds to every delegate in the GOP prior to the reaminaing state and national convention.

Evan and his dvd project had extreme success in the state of Alaska which helped convert Mccain delegates to support Dr. Ron Paul and helped our delegates to pass many resolutions and secure delegate spots to the national convention.

Time : 8pm Eastern time

Where :

Special guest Vernie Kuglin Friday LIVE taking your questions June 23 at 6-8pm eastern

We are going to open up the phone lines and Mrs. Kuglin is going to take questions LIVE!VERNIE KUGLIN is a retired FedEx pilot who became famous in 2003 when a jury in Memphis, Tennessee, acquitted her on six counts of tax evasion for which she could have received up to thirty years in prison.

She refused to pay income taxes when her study of the Constitution and tax laws led her to conclude that the IRS, itself, was not following the law. She also challenged mandatory tax-withholding, which in her view also was not constitutional. She wrote to the IRS on several occasions asking them to identify the laws that require her to pay an income tax, but never received a reply. As a result, she found herself standing alone against the IRS and also the legal staff of FedEx, which was sympathetic but not willing to incur the wrath of the government.After hearing her arguments, the jury agreed that she was justified in questioning the legality of the IRS and that her refusal to comply was based, not on a desire to evade taxes, but on a desire to force the government to obey the Constitution or, at the very least, to produce a law that requires American citizens to pay income taxes.

Amazingly, the government was unable to produce any such law, a fact that weighed heavily on the minds of the jurors. The court ruled that her acquittal did not remove her tax liability but did release her from criminal charges for not paying them.The real significance of this story is, not the validity of the income tax, but that there are few people like Vernie Kuglin who are willing to take such a courageous and seemingly hopeless stand on behalf of their political convictions. The world needs more like her, and we are proud to have her as a member of Freedom Force.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Special guest Vernie Kuglin Friday June 20 at 6pm eastern

We are going to open up the phone lines and Mrs. Kuglin is going to take questions LIVE!

VERNIE KUGLIN is a retired FedEx pilot who became famous in 2003 when a jury in Memphis, Tennessee, acquitted her on six counts of tax evasion for which she could have received up to thirty years in prison. She refused to pay income taxes when her study of the Constitution and tax laws led her to conclude that the IRS, itself, was not following the law. She also challenged mandatory tax-withholding, which in her view also was not constitutional. She wrote to the IRS on several occasions asking them to identify the laws that require her to pay an income tax, but never received a reply. As a result, she found herself standing alone against the IRS and also the legal staff of FedEx, which was sympathetic but not willing to incur the wrath of the government.
After hearing her arguments, the jury agreed that she was justified in questioning the legality of the IRS and that her refusal to comply was based, not on a desire to evade taxes, but on a desire to force the government to obey the Constitution or, at the very least, to produce a law that requires American citizens to pay income taxes. Amazingly, the government was unable to produce any such law, a fact that weighed heavily on the minds of the jurors. The court ruled that her acquittal did not remove her tax liability but did release her from criminal charges for not paying them.
The real significance of this story is, not the validity of the income tax, but that there are few people like Vernie Kuglin who are willing to take such a courageous and seemingly hopeless stand on behalf of their political convictions. The world needs more like her, and we are proud to have her as a member of Freedom Force.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chuck Baldwin LIVE interview Thursday June 19th 7pm eastern

We will be interviewing Chuck Baldwin on Thursday June 19th 7pm eastern.

For those of you that don't know Chuck Baldwin endorsed Ron Paul 6 months ago and stated that if Ron Paul won the nomination or ran as a 3rd party he would not run against him.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mike Reagan 2 hour show LIVE June 17 and we will talk about our legal actions and our criminal charges we will file.

Mike Reagan call for all 9-11 and Ron Paul supporters to be hunted down and killed and this should not be tolerated.

We are going to move to get him off the air, arrested and fined by the FCC and we will sue him in civil court.

Come listen and express your opinion June 17th 10pm eastern

GREAT SHOW TOMORROW WITH Dr. Thomas E. Woods you don't want to miss this one.

NY Times Best Selling Author : Dr. Thomas E. Woods

The guest tomorrow is Kevin Gutzman, Ph.D. in History, a Longhorn, and an expert in the Middle Period of American history, 1760-1877, with additional areas of expertise in American constitutional and Southern history.

He is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide™ to the Constitution.

June 16 2pm eastern time

Saturday, June 14, 2008

We need your help


It is that time of month again and we need to meet our goal.

We have a total of $190 rasied for our server fees of $500 so please donate what you can to keep us up and running.

This is not over and we will continue to promote the message of freedom and liberty and the platform of Dr. Paul and with your help we can do this.

Please help us reach our server fee goals and donate what ever you can and your support and donations is always appreciated.

Thank you,

Managers from

Monday, June 9, 2008

Linda Hunnicutt (Granny Warrior) LIVE Tuesday June 10

Linda Hunnicutt (Granny Warrior) will be LIVE tomorrow 3:30 eastern time to answer questions and speak and answer questions about the Sturgis SD Event JULY 4th.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wednesday June 4 we will interview the people from RONVOY which is the carpool convoy to Washington DC July 12

We Will be interviewing the people from RONVOY that is bound for the march on Washington DC July 12 2008 at 10pm eastern.

If you have questions or want to know what RONVOY is all about and how you can be involved then you do not want to miss this show or miss your chance to call in LIVE and ask your questions.

We will be interviewing Chuck Baldwin Presidential candidate Thursday June 5 LIVE!

We will be Interviewing Chuck Baldwin on Thursday June 5 at 7:30 pm eastern.

For those of you that do not know Chuck Baldwin endorsed Dr. Ron Paul and stated that he would not run 3rd party should Dr. Paul decide to run as a 3rd party.

Spread the word!

Monday, June 2, 2008

NY Times best selling author Thomas E. Woods Jr. with 2 books endorsed by Dr. Paul to Debut on Revolution broadcasting.

NY Times Best selling author Thomas E. Woods Jr. Will debut his new show "Shock To The System" Tomorrow at 2pm eastern and every Tuesday.

Thomas E. Woods Jr. Has 2 books endorsed by Dr. Ron Paul and is also a guest speaker at the REVOLUTIONMARCH.COM on Washington DC July 12. Mr. Woods guest for tomorrow is : Bill Kauffman, author of the new (Ron Paul-endorsed) book Ain't My America: The Long, Noble History of Antiwar Conservatism and Middle American Anti-Imperialism.

We welcome Thomas E. Woods as one of our newest Radio Hosts on :