Thursday, June 26, 2008

Replace with a FREE meetup site and forum that will be 100% secured by Ron Paul Revolution people.

Hello everyone.

Spread the word about this to your meetup groups.

The admins of have started a new forum that will provide private meetup group rooms FOR FREE. We decided that we should not have to pay an avg of $15 a month to for that money can be better used to support other projects that need our financial support.

This will work basiacally the same way worked and the admin of each meetup on the site will have to invite and aprove any new member to their personal meetup. This is also a fully operational forum just like ronpaulforums so now you can have both a forum and a meetup in one place FOR FREE.

The site is 99% finished but is operational and you can register your name now to secure you preferred name as well as use the forum to provide information you need to provide on the public boards in the forums.

We will be adding each district, city and county if needed to replace all the meetups that are on with a FREE service.

goto : and register today and come take a look around and see what we have been doing to help the revolution.

Keep up the great work everyone.

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