Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Advertise with Restore the Republic Radio - just $1.00 per ad!

Advertise with RTRR

Support the Revolution!

Just $1.00 PER AD!


30 Second Spot - $60.00/week
60 Second Spot - $110.00/week

* Minimum 60 LIVE runs per week + archives

One time production fee per ad - $50.00

* Sorry, at the moment, we only accept federal reserve fiat money via PayPal

Contact Ray Powell: Email: sales [at] rtrradio [dot] com - Phone: (505) 832-4300

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Peter Schiff LIVE October 13th 7pm EST 6pm Central time Link Here

Peter Schiff will be on Live to discuss in detail our financial issues and all of your concerns. He will also take your questions LIVE.

When : Monday October 13th 7pm EST 6pm Central timeWhere : www.revolutionbroadcasting.com

No MSM spin here just Peter telling us the truth.

Please get the word out

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

3rd party Presidential debate LIVE October 9th 2008 9pm EST 8pm central time


CONTACT: Raymond D. Powell (505)-832-4300 ray@theywillbeheard.com http://www.TheyWillBeHeard.com

Restore The Republic Radio announces Presidential Debate

Restore The Republic Radio (RTRRadio.com) will hold the first of its kind presidential debate live via internet radio on October 9th. Unlike the debates that will be held by the TV networks, THIS debate will give a voice to EVERY major presidential candidate.

Northbrook, IL, 10/7/2008 -RTRRadio.com announced it will hold an unprecedented internet radio based presidential debate on October 9th, 2008 at 9PM Eastern time. Invitees include: Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party, Charles Jay of the Boston Tea Party, Brian Moore of the Socialist Party, Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party, Independent Ralph Nader, Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party, Barack Obama of the DemocraticParty, and John McCain of the Republican Party.

The idea for the debate came out of the clear need to offer more choices to the American people. The organizers believe that it is time to get the money out of politics, starting with the way we hold debates. This event will prove that each and every candidate can and should be heard AROUND THE WORLD without having a major production budget and without requiring the stringent minimum requirements that are held by the large, corporate television networks. The organizers believe that these requirements only work to reduce the divisiveness of the opinions that will be heard by the American people.

RTRRadio.com is also using this venue to announce the merger between Restore the Republic and Revolution Broadcasting. The new combined management team believes that the new name and the synergies created by the merger will allow a much larger audience to hear its content.

ABOUT REVOLUTION BROADCASTING - Revolution Broadcasting has been around since mid 2007, originally as Ron Paul Radio. It was spawned out of the Ron Paul "Revolution". As it became apparent that there would not be an opportunity for Ron Paul to receive the presidential nomination of the GOP, the business decision was made to change the name and to construct a long-term business plan to continue bringing news and information that is not being delivered by the current large, corporate media companies. Now operating as Restore The Republic Radio, Revolution Broadcasting will continue on its mission, stronger than ever.

ABOUT RESTORE THE REPUBLIC - The Restore the Republic organization was spawned out of a group who came together to support and promote Aaron Russo's documentary, "Freedom to Fascism". The organization has national and state activist organizations. The goal of RTR is to create initiatives that work to educate and activate the people about the current problems that exist with our current monetary system, and other crucial issues affecting citizens of the USA, and the world.

- END -

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

John Burch Society 50th Anniversary Celebration!

Revolution Broadcasting is proud to bring you coverage from Wisconsin this weekend. Be sure to tune in!




- or check out or new "beta" site -


Monday, September 29, 2008

We need your help! Final Day to reach Our Goal. :)

Thank you to all of those who have supported Revolution Broadcasting this month and in the past. We are coming up to the end of the month and the server bill is due. If you have enjoyed our programming this month, please consider helping us reach our goal on this final day!

Thank you Fellow Revolutionaries!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

3rd party Presidential debate October 9 2008 9pm EST 8pm central time

3rd Party Presidential debate Scheduled and confirmed October 9 2008 9pm eastern 8pm central Hosted by www.revolutionbroadcasting.com

Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia Mckinney, Charles Jay and Brian Moore confirmed Ralph Nader, Bob Barr, John Mccain and Barack Obama Invited awaiting confirmation.

Carried on 3 radio networks www.WRBNFM.com www.rtrradio.com and www.revolutionbroadcasting.com

Please let everyone you know about this special event

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chuck Baldwin Money Bomb TODAY Friday September 26th

Now is the time to show your support for the candidate who Ron Paul has endorsed for President, Chuck Baldwin, tomorrow, Friday, September 26th.

As you consider whether to contribute and how much to contribute, please think about how much longer you are going to be able to continue to afford a home or a car; the outrageous impending "bailout" for the bankers and the multinational corporations; the jobs Americans have lost and are still losing because of the loss of our nation's manufacturing base; the costly and endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the $9 trillion deficit caused by runaway spending by the federal government; the strain that Illegal Immigration is putting on our economy; the continuing erosion of respect for the United States Constitution demonstrated by those politicians you have elected to represent you, and, finally, what all of this means to the future of our country and for your children and grand-children!

There is only ONE CHOICE for President... --RON PAUL'S Choice-- Chuck Baldwin! Please be as generous as you possibly can so that the Baldwin/Castle'08 can make the maximum effort over the final month of the campaign!



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

RON PAUL ENDORSES CHUCK BALDWIN NOW IT IS TIME TO FUND HIM : Friday September 26 Chuck Baldwin moneybomb

We had a small fundraiser for Chuck last Saturday and now we plan to have the big one this Friday September 26.

This event will also be broadcasted on www.revolutionbroadcasting.com - www.wrbnfm.com and www.rtrradio.com goto www.buckforchuck.com and the website is being updated as we speak.

If you think something should be added to the website post here and let me know and we will do our best to get it up.

All funds must be donated through the Chuck Bladwin official website www.baldwin08.com Revolution Broadcasting does not receive any finds from this fundraiser for Chuck Baldwin nor does Buckforchuck.com EMAIL EVERYONE YOU KNOW!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What a line up of guests! - BUCK FOR CHUCK - THIS Saturday!

Chuck Baldwin

Adam Kokesh

Darrell Castle

General Charles Jones

Mary Starrett

Jim Clymer

maybe Tom Woods?

maybe Jerome Corsi?

Tune in all day Saturday!



Don't forget to tune in all day Saturday, September 20th. Mark your calendar!



Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Liberty Straw Poll TODAY! September 17th - 7:30PM eastern!


Join us on September 17th, Constitution Day, for an exciting new event that will change the landscape of candidate fund raising: the inaugural Liberty Straw Poll where seven Congressional candidates will compete for your vote during the Liberty Straw Poll Forum.

The straw poll winners will receive the total value of purchased tickets as their prize, thereby concentrating the reward, heightening the intensity, and recognizing the winners as leaders among liberty supporters.


BuckForChuck.com THIS SATURDAY! September 20th


All day broadcast this Saturday, September 20th.

Many exciting guests... more information coming soon!


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rally For The Republic and Revolution broadcasting to provide LIVE coverage starting Sunday August 31

Can't be there don't worry.

Starting Saturday night. www.Revolutionbroadcasting.com will be there and will have LIVE coverage all week for anyone who can't be there.

We have a booth and will be there with the Freeamerican and Aaron Russo's restore the republic.

Lots of great interviews scheduled!

listen here : www.revolutionbroadcasting.com and join our LIVE chat room and interact with other people from the revolution that could not be in MN.

We need to become the media and the people from revolution broadcasting are doing just that and I was glad I was a part of getting that network started and am proud of Ray Powell and Bryan Seimen for doing a great job keeping that network moving forward.



Friday, August 15, 2008

Revolution Broadcasting all day Sunday and wait until you see the line up of guests to be interviewed.

Revolution Broadcasting all day Sunday and wait until you see the line up of guests to be interviewed.

All day long on Sunday, August 17th, tune into REVOLUTION BROADCASTING to hear live
coverage of the Chuck-a-thon!
9am until 12 midnight Sunday August 17

The Chuck-a-thon is a day-long fund raising event for the Baldwin/Castle 2008 campaign.

Special guests include:

Jerome Corsi, NYT Best Selling Author of The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality

Thomas E. Woods, Jr., NYT Best Selling Author of Who Killed the Constitution

Devvy Kidd, Investigative Journalist and Columnist

General Charles Jones, Retired Brigidier General, US Air Force, Founder of National Veterans
Coalition Outreach Progam

Dr. Chuck Baldwin, Presidential Nominee of The Constitution Party

Darrell Castle, Retired Marine and Vice-Presidential Nominee of the Constitution Party

Larry Breazeale, Retired Vietnam Veteran, Chairman of the National Veterans Coalition

Jim Clymer, Constitution Party Chairman

plus Many more...You don't want to miss this special event full of information from these very
established guest speakers.



Friday, August 8, 2008

Ron Paul has stated that Chuck Baldwin is very, very close to his views and that Chuck Baldwin worked very hard on Ron Paul's campaign for President. Where was Bob Barr during Ron Paul's campaign? Did Bob Barr endorse Ron Paul? Chuck Baldwin endorsed Ron Paul! Did Barr work hard for Ron Paul's Presidential Campaign? Chuck Baldwin did!

Many of us supported Ron Paul through thick and thin. We never became discouraged as we witnessed the media bias. It actually made us fight even harder to promote the message of freedom and liberty and the rule of law based on our Constitution. Of course, many of us continue to fight on to retain a Government that actually works for the people.
But every great strategy needs a backup plan.

If Ron Paul does not win the nomination in September at the RNC Convention in MN, we need to be prepared. We need to have a candidate who is well funded and who is ready for the big game. Who is that person? None other than Ron Paul's friend of many years, Chuck Baldwin, the presidential nominee for the Constitution Party.

June 23 2008 " Jesse Benton, a spokesman for Ron Paul, said that his boss does not plan to recommend supporters to champion Barr. "Bob and Ron are former colleagues and they're friends. But that's where the relationship ends."

Yes, here we go again. The main stream media seems to be pretending to acknowledge Bob Barr as the 3rd party worth noting and Chuck Baldwin is experiencing a COMPLETE MSM blackout just like Ron Paul did. Why? Probably because he isn't afraid to call them out! If the MSM likes Bob Barr, WE DON'T! His voting record is contradictory to what his so called positions are and that bothers us.

We are asking all of you to continue to help us and support the freedom message with the people that actually mean what they say and practice what the preach.

We are holding a fundraiser for Chuck Baldwin August 17th, 2008. On August 17th, 1990, George H.W. Bush claimed that Iraq was in the way of the New World Order.
We are asking all of you to please visit
http://www.NoNewWorldOrder.com and pledge to donate to Chuck Baldwin's campaign so that you can help Chuck promote Ron Paul's message. Chuck Baldwin has been doing just that by working within Ron Paul's campaign, and now he will do it again on a national scale through his campaign for President as the nominee of the Constitution Party.

Ron Paul supports Chuck Baldwin as stated on CNN and other Main Stream Media outlets across the country and we support him as well. Now we need all of you to get behind him with us. No donation is too small.

Ron Paul has said that revolutions are long term projects and we will continue to honor him by spreading his message world wide until we bring America back to what is once was, A Constitutional Republic.

Please help us to continue to move forward and make the changes that need to be made in this country: http://www.NonewWorldOrder.com

Be sure to tune in for live coverage of the Money Bomb event all day long on August 17th, 2008 on www.wrbnfm.com and http://www.RevolutionBroadcasting.com

Thank you all!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Can’t make it to Campaign for Liberty Rally?

Ray and Bryan, hosts of the North Virginia Patriots show on Revolution Broadcasting want to bring it to you live- just like we brought you the Revolution March on DC.

We have access to both the Campaign for Liberty events and the RNC. Now we need your help getting there! If you can’t make it to C4L rally and would still like to be a part of it, help us bring it to you live. Go to http://www.revolutionbroadcasting.com/ today and donate.

Bryan and Ray were the co-founders of Revolution March held in Washington D.C. on July 12th.

Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chuck Baldwin and Darrell Castle LIVE tomorrow 8pm central time 9pm eastern

Tomorrow we will interview Constitution party Presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin and Vice Presidential candidate Darrell Castle.

They will take your questions LIVE.

when : 8pm central 9pm eastern

Where : www.revolutionbroadcasting.com

Thursday, July 10, 2008

We will be providing LIVE all day coverage of the march on DC with Dr. Paul July 12th

For those of you that can't make it to DC don't worry www.revolutionbroadcasting.com will be providing all day LIVE coverage INCLUDING all the speeches at the march on DC July 12th.

Considering that the founders of revolution march are also owners of revolution broadcasting we will have direct access to the PA and guests at the march and will bring it to all so you don't have to miss a thing.

Contact your meetups and anyone else that can't be in DC and let them know we will cover the event for them.



Sunday, July 6, 2008

Revolution Broadcasting New subcribers page.

Hello everyone,

Some of you have requested for us to add a monthly donation subscription.

Your request has now been added to the site. Yoo can now sign up for a monthly automatic subsciption to donate to our radio network. We have added many monthly options starting at $5 per month. This subscription can be cancelled at any time you choose.

We appreciate all of the support many of you have given www.revolutionbroadcasting.com and with your help we will continue to provide the programming to yourselves and people around the world on the truth that is really going on around us.

If you would like to be a monthly subscriber to the radio station visit the new subscription chip in on the main web site.

Thank you all very much


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Special guest Bernard Von Nauthaus from http://www.libertydollar.org July 3rd 6:30 eastern

www.revolutionbroadcasting.com 6:30 pm eastern time

Welcome to the Liberty Dollar: Remember when gas was only 25-cents a gallon? You could take a dollar down to the gas station and buy four gallons for a buck!

At that time our dollar was backed by REAL money, real silver. Guess what? That same amount of silver still buys four gallons of gas!

That just shows that real money like gold and silver holds its value and it is the green paper money that is now worth a lot less. As a matter of fact, when you think about it, you realize that gas, food, and almost everything else has NOT gotten more expensive. It only seems that way because the value of the green paper money is worth less and less and so it takes more and more of it to buy the same goods and services.

Most people think prices have gone up, but in reality: it is the value of the US dollar that has actually gone down. Luckily, now there is a simple and profitable solution to the coming inflation - good old-fashioned, REAL money as the Founders intended. Look at these charts by the US government.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

Thomas E. Woods tomorrow at 2pm eastern will interview.

Thomas E. Woods tomorrow at 2pm eastern will interview.

Joseph Salerno, Graduate Program Chair, Department of Finance and Economics, in the Lubin School of Business at Pace University in New York.

Dr. Salerno is the editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics and the author of much pathbreaking work in a variety of fields in economics.

This will be a program on the Federal Reserve System for beginners




www.revolutionbroadcasting.com will Interview Ron Paul on our segment of revolution march radio Wednesday July 2nd at 9pm eastern time.

Spread the message to your meetup groups.




Dr. Steve Parent

Thursday, June 26, 2008

B.J Lawson Ron Paul republican LIVE interview Friday June 27 6:00 pm eastern

www.revolutionbroadcasting.com will interview B.J Lawson Congressional candidate in the 4th District in North Carolina. He also took 70% in his primary.

We will have Mr. Lawson on for 3 full hours and will open up the phone lines so Mr. Lawson can take your questions LIVE.

We have also added a LIVE chat room on our website where questions can be take as well 24/7
To view his website : http://www.lawsonforcongress.com

When : 6-9pm eastern time

Where : www.revolutionbroadcasting.com

Replace meetup.com with a FREE meetup site and forum that will be 100% secured by Ron Paul Revolution people.

Hello everyone.

Spread the word about this to your meetup groups.

The admins of www.revolutionbroadcasting.com have started a new forum that will provide private meetup group rooms FOR FREE. We decided that we should not have to pay an avg of $15 a month to meetup.com for that money can be better used to support other projects that need our financial support.

This will work basiacally the same way meetup.com worked and the admin of each meetup on the site will have to invite and aprove any new member to their personal meetup. This is also a fully operational forum just like ronpaulforums so now you can have both a forum and a meetup in one place FOR FREE.

The site is 99% finished but is operational and you can register your name now to secure you preferred name as well as use the forum to provide information you need to provide on the public boards in the forums.

We will be adding each district, city and county if needed to replace all the meetups that are on meetup.com with a FREE service.

goto : www.constitutionrevolution.com and register today and come take a look around and see what we have been doing to help the revolution.

Keep up the great work everyone.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

http://www.dvds4delegates.com Evan Cutler LIVE Monday June 23 at 8pm eastern taking your questions

We welcome Evan Cutler LIVE to answer your questions about the dvd project that is going to send dvds to every delegate in the GOP prior to the reaminaing state and national convention.

Evan and his dvd project had extreme success in the state of Alaska which helped convert Mccain delegates to support Dr. Ron Paul and helped our delegates to pass many resolutions and secure delegate spots to the national convention.

Time : 8pm Eastern time

Where : http://www.revolutionbroadcasting.com/

Special guest Vernie Kuglin Friday LIVE taking your questions June 23 at 6-8pm eastern


We are going to open up the phone lines and Mrs. Kuglin is going to take questions LIVE!VERNIE KUGLIN is a retired FedEx pilot who became famous in 2003 when a jury in Memphis, Tennessee, acquitted her on six counts of tax evasion for which she could have received up to thirty years in prison.

She refused to pay income taxes when her study of the Constitution and tax laws led her to conclude that the IRS, itself, was not following the law. She also challenged mandatory tax-withholding, which in her view also was not constitutional. She wrote to the IRS on several occasions asking them to identify the laws that require her to pay an income tax, but never received a reply. As a result, she found herself standing alone against the IRS and also the legal staff of FedEx, which was sympathetic but not willing to incur the wrath of the government.After hearing her arguments, the jury agreed that she was justified in questioning the legality of the IRS and that her refusal to comply was based, not on a desire to evade taxes, but on a desire to force the government to obey the Constitution or, at the very least, to produce a law that requires American citizens to pay income taxes.

Amazingly, the government was unable to produce any such law, a fact that weighed heavily on the minds of the jurors. The court ruled that her acquittal did not remove her tax liability but did release her from criminal charges for not paying them.The real significance of this story is, not the validity of the income tax, but that there are few people like Vernie Kuglin who are willing to take such a courageous and seemingly hopeless stand on behalf of their political convictions. The world needs more like her, and we are proud to have her as a member of Freedom Force.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Special guest Vernie Kuglin Friday June 20 at 6pm eastern


We are going to open up the phone lines and Mrs. Kuglin is going to take questions LIVE!

VERNIE KUGLIN is a retired FedEx pilot who became famous in 2003 when a jury in Memphis, Tennessee, acquitted her on six counts of tax evasion for which she could have received up to thirty years in prison. She refused to pay income taxes when her study of the Constitution and tax laws led her to conclude that the IRS, itself, was not following the law. She also challenged mandatory tax-withholding, which in her view also was not constitutional. She wrote to the IRS on several occasions asking them to identify the laws that require her to pay an income tax, but never received a reply. As a result, she found herself standing alone against the IRS and also the legal staff of FedEx, which was sympathetic but not willing to incur the wrath of the government.
After hearing her arguments, the jury agreed that she was justified in questioning the legality of the IRS and that her refusal to comply was based, not on a desire to evade taxes, but on a desire to force the government to obey the Constitution or, at the very least, to produce a law that requires American citizens to pay income taxes. Amazingly, the government was unable to produce any such law, a fact that weighed heavily on the minds of the jurors. The court ruled that her acquittal did not remove her tax liability but did release her from criminal charges for not paying them.
The real significance of this story is, not the validity of the income tax, but that there are few people like Vernie Kuglin who are willing to take such a courageous and seemingly hopeless stand on behalf of their political convictions. The world needs more like her, and we are proud to have her as a member of Freedom Force.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chuck Baldwin LIVE interview Thursday June 19th 7pm eastern

We will be interviewing Chuck Baldwin on Thursday June 19th 7pm eastern.

For those of you that don't know Chuck Baldwin endorsed Ron Paul 6 months ago and stated that if Ron Paul won the nomination or ran as a 3rd party he would not run against him.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Mike Reagan 2 hour show LIVE June 17 and we will talk about our legal actions and our criminal charges we will file.

Mike Reagan call for all 9-11 and Ron Paul supporters to be hunted down and killed and this should not be tolerated.

We are going to move to get him off the air, arrested and fined by the FCC and we will sue him in civil court.

Come listen and express your opinion June 17th 10pm eastern


GREAT SHOW TOMORROW WITH Dr. Thomas E. Woods you don't want to miss this one.

NY Times Best Selling Author : Dr. Thomas E. Woods

The guest tomorrow is Kevin Gutzman, Ph.D. in History, a Longhorn, and an expert in the Middle Period of American history, 1760-1877, with additional areas of expertise in American constitutional and Southern history.

He is the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide™ to the Constitution.

June 16 2pm eastern time


Saturday, June 14, 2008

We need your help


It is that time of month again and we need to meet our goal.

We have a total of $190 rasied for our server fees of $500 so please donate what you can to keep us up and running.

This is not over and we will continue to promote the message of freedom and liberty and the platform of Dr. Paul and with your help we can do this.

Please help us reach our server fee goals and donate what ever you can and your support and donations is always appreciated.

Thank you,

Managers from www.revolutionbroadcasting.com

Monday, June 9, 2008

Linda Hunnicutt (Granny Warrior) LIVE Tuesday June 10

Linda Hunnicutt (Granny Warrior) will be LIVE tomorrow 3:30 eastern time to answer questions and speak and answer questions about the Sturgis SD Event JULY 4th.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wednesday June 4 we will interview the people from RONVOY which is the carpool convoy to Washington DC July 12

We Will be interviewing the people from RONVOY that is bound for the march on Washington DC July 12 2008 at 10pm eastern.

If you have questions or want to know what RONVOY is all about and how you can be involved then you do not want to miss this show or miss your chance to call in LIVE and ask your questions.


We will be interviewing Chuck Baldwin Presidential candidate Thursday June 5 LIVE!

We will be Interviewing Chuck Baldwin on Thursday June 5 at 7:30 pm eastern.

For those of you that do not know Chuck Baldwin endorsed Dr. Ron Paul and stated that he would not run 3rd party should Dr. Paul decide to run as a 3rd party.


Spread the word!

Monday, June 2, 2008

NY Times best selling author Thomas E. Woods Jr. with 2 books endorsed by Dr. Paul to Debut on Revolution broadcasting.

NY Times Best selling author Thomas E. Woods Jr. Will debut his new show "Shock To The System" Tomorrow at 2pm eastern and every Tuesday.

Thomas E. Woods Jr. Has 2 books endorsed by Dr. Ron Paul and is also a guest speaker at the REVOLUTIONMARCH.COM on Washington DC July 12. Mr. Woods guest for tomorrow is : Bill Kauffman, author of the new (Ron Paul-endorsed) book Ain't My America: The Long, Noble History of Antiwar Conservatism and Middle American Anti-Imperialism.

We welcome Thomas E. Woods as one of our newest Radio Hosts on :


Monday, May 26, 2008

We will be providing the LIVE speech from Dr. Paul in MO

Dr. Ron Paul will be speaking in Branson MO May 30th.

We will provide this LIVE SPEECH and all the other guest speakers starting at 7pm eastern time.

Get the word out!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fundraising Goal for May we need your HELP!

Hello everyone,

We have some very exciting things happening at www.revolutionbroadcasting.com and we thank all you in that past that have helped fund us to stay up and running.

We have 10 days to reach our server fees for the month and we are half way there.

We need your help to continue to keep us up and running and even $5 from many of you will make all the difference.

Please help us reach our May goal to stay up another month and continue to educate as many as possible of the message of Dr. Ron Paul and help provide true news and information to people around the world.

Come visit our website and click our chip in at www.revolutionbroadcasting.com and please help us reach our server fees for the month.

Thank you for your support.

Dr. Steve Parent

Saturday, May 17, 2008

We are now the new home of the Ron Paul National Meetup Conference Call

We are pleased to announce that Steve Harris and Fred Smart has made www.revolutionbroadcasting.com the new home of the weekly National Ron Paul Conference Call

We will now host this meeting LIVE for the National Ron Paul Conference Call for these great freedom loving people on our radio network to bring this to everyone for your convenience.

If you prefer to listen via phone you are still free to do so; however, you can now listen via radio for Steve, Fred and revolution broadcasting have agreed to provide this live call to everyone that wishes to take part and hear the special guest speakers and the progress that takes part on this call on a weekly basis and make it easy for you to listen without the hastle of using a telephone or to help you avoid long distance charges on your phone bill.

This call will take place EVERY Thursday from 9pm to 12pm eastern time.

Please send this information to your meetup groups and make them aware of how easy it is now to take part in special conference FREE of charge.

Dr. Steve Parent

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thanks to all of you revolutionbroadcasting.com is ranked in the top 10 of all Ron Paul sites.

Thanks to all of you revolutionbroadcasting.com is ranked in the top 10 of all Ron Paul sites.

I want to personally thank each and every one of you for putting www.revolutioncasting.com for listeners of all the ron paul sites on the internet in the TOP 10!

We have only been up for 3 weeks folks.

Help us get to number 5 this month.

Please come visit the web site and listen to the broadcasts we have put in place for all of you so we can continue to move up.

We are going to continue to make progress and educate the people on factual information and news and entertainment.

We will become the new internet media source with your help. Again we at www.revolutionbroadcasting.com thank you.

Please help us with our chip in so we can actually start real mainstream advertising to attract new listeners and promote the message and platform of Dr. Ron Paul.

Visit our website and click on our chip in.

Thank you for all you have done.

Dr. Steve Parent

Monday, May 12, 2008

Challenged delegates for Dr. Ron Paul in MO speak about the current situation LIVE : Wednesday May 14 4pm eastern

We will be speaking with delegates from MO on the situation they have encountered by party leaders as to what a good republican is.

Wednesday 4pm eastern time.


You will be amazed what these people are going to tell you.

It is time for us to stand up together and expose the corruption that is going on within the Republican party and how loyal republicans that support Ron Paul are being silenced and singled out.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ron Paul “What we were supposed to be"

Ron Paul “What we were supposed to be”

The Swiss Confederacy, a model for the United States?

Broadcast May 13th: (1pm-3 pm eastern) The VTV show with your hosts Neil and Jacob on http://www.revolutionbroadcasting.com/

Guest speaker: Dr Ulrich Schlüer, Swiss Member of Parliament for 12 years and spokesmen of the hugely popular Schweizerische Volkspartei

Switzerland stands as a shining working example of direct democracy in the very heart of Europe. Swiss commitment to a strict, neutral, foreign policy, combined with an excellently trained and heavily-armed citizen army, kept their nation out the conflicts of Europe for 700 years.

No country on Earth can claim such a track record on peace and pure democracy. Lately, the Swiss have delegated more authority to their confederate government, resulting in higher taxes, mass immigration, and for the first time in its 700 year existence, the Swiss army is involved on foreign soil as UN peacekeepers.

The hugely popular SVP party is currently agitating for the return to Swiss roots of pure (direct) democracy and neutrality. Our guest is Dr Ulrich Schlüer, spokesmen for the Swiss SVP.

Author: European.



Friday, May 9, 2008

OUR NEW PROJECT. We are going to attempt to hold the very first LIVE internet multi party debate.

We are going to host the very first LIVE internet multi party debate for every candidate running for President which will include Dr. Paul

We are already in this process and we have 2 people i will not name until we confirm all the guests that have agreed to the debate.

This could mean MSM coverage all over the country.
Here is how our debate will work.

We will ask 1 questions at a time to each candidate and every person in the debate will have a chance to respond without being interrupted.

We are also going to allow each candidate to pose one questions each that every other person will have a chance to answer without interruption and the person posing the question will be the last to answer the question they posed.

I want to know what everyone thinks of this idea and if you will support it help me get the word
out to everyone you can Please advise me on this issue.

Please advise.


Dr. Steve Parent

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

WE WILL HAVE LIVE COVERAGE of the Indiana and North Carolina Primary Tuesday May 6th, Ron Paul's first WIN?

Hello everyone,

We will be hosting LIVE primary coverage TODAY May 6th from Indiana and North Carolina.

We know the media is not going to report on the results of Dr. Paul SO WE WILL!

This is the main reason we started this network and we will continue to report the truth and let the American people for once decide based on the facts!

We have people on the ground in these states from all over that will be bringing us live updates on what is happening during the primary.

We are also going to provide live reports on the votes for Dr. Paul.
Start time 6pm until 12pm eastern time.

We are also going to open up the phone lines for all callers to discuss the success we are having all over the country.

Please let everyone know about this special LIVE event.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dr. Paul LIVE speech from Ft. Wayne Indiana

We will be streaming the speech of Dr. Paul LIVE Monday May 5th 7pm eastern time.

We have people on the ground that will bring us this LIVE SPEECH in Ft. Wayne Indiana.

Keep bumped and let your meetups and other meassage boards know about this please if they wish to hear Dr. Paul tomorrow.

We will take live callers after the speech!

We will also be doing a LIVE show at Tuesday May 6th starting at 6pm eastern until we have the last vote results of the Indiana primary.

We have many people from all over Indiana going to give us reports of what is going on during the Indiana Primary.


Dr. Steve Parent